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Aditya Hrdayam Again - Part 28 - Mantra Pushpam


Before I proceed with translation of Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 24, which describes about Varuna more and how Adityas come into being from the Night (naktam), actually growing below it, (hanging like an inverted banyan tree), let me talk about mantra pushpam in Surya Prashna mantras of Taittiriya Aranyakam of the Yajur Veda.

As per our understanding in Aditya Hrdayam series, Apa are Photons, mAyA is rest-mass, Surya are nucleons, Indra are Baryons, Varuna are Mesons and Chandra are Electrons that move around Surya, Agni is the transfer of energy, Pazu are the various elements formed of these.

In our Solar system, sun is the Surya (nucleon), Moon are the Chandra (Leptons/Electrons).

Taittiriya Aranyakam - 4-42-4

Since Apa are photons, Surya Prashnam talks of Apa. It says 'Apo hi sta mayo bhuva' which means 'Universe with Rest-mass is indeed formed on the Photons'. This is recited facing the Sun for obvious reasons, as sun gives light. Light is made of photons.

Photons do not have rest-mass. Science says these photons with no rest mass originate the Universe with rest-mass. This is what is said in this mantra.

Mantra Pushpam explains how this happened.

Taittiriya Aranyakam - 1-22-1 to 1-22-8:  Mantra Pushpam

yo̍'pāṁ puṣpa`ṁ veda̍| 
puṣpa̍vān pra`jāvā"n paśu`mān bha̍vati | 
ca`ndramā` vā a`pāṁ puṣpam"| 
puṣpa̍vān pra`jāvā"n paśu`mān bha̍vati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍ |
yo̍'pāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati || 1|| 

Yah Apam Pushpam Veda (The one that knows/receives/understands the flowering of Photons),  Pushpavan prajavan pazuvan bhavati (become one that can flower, procreate and spread).

The question is what is the 'flower' of photons..?

Candrama eva apam pushpam (Electrons are the flowers of photons). Pushpavan prajavan pazuvan bhavati (become one that can flower, procreate and spread).

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apam Ayatanam veda (that one knows/understands the photons to be the source/abode) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source itself).


Electrons flower out of photons (or light).  That who receives/knows/understands the flowering of photons, that who knows photons to be the source,  that who receives the electrons from the photons, becomes the source of everything themselves.

This is exactly what science says. Photons when they impinge on atoms excite electrons, stream them and cause everything from photo-synthesis to chemical compounds that form the basis of life.

 a`gnirvā a`pāmā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
yo"'gnerā`yatana`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati |
āpo` vā a`gnerā`yata̍nam | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍ | 
yo̍'pāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ |
ā`yata̍navān bhavati || 2|| 

Agnir Va apAm Ayatanam (Transfer of energy resides in the Photons Ayatanavan bhavati (Transfer of energy becomes the source/abode of everything)

Yah Agnir Ayatanam Veda (That knows/receives/understands the source/abode of transfer of energy) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source)

Apo va Agnir Ayatanam (Photons reside in the transfer of energy) Ayatanavan bhavati (Photons becomes the source/abode of everything)

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apAm Ayatanam Veda (that understands that photons are the source/abode)  Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)


Photons cause transfer of energy. Transfer of energy causes photons. Both are source/abode of each other. That understands/ uses this becomes the source of others.

This is exactly what science says also.

 vā`yurvā a`pāmā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
yo vā`yorā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
āpo` vai vā`yorā`yata̍nam|
 ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍ | 
yo̍'pāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati || 3||

Vayur va apAma Ayatanam (Gas-clouds reside in the photons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

Yah Vayur Ayatanam Veda (that knows/understands/receives the gas clouds) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

apo Va vAyur Ayatanam (Photons originate/source from gas-clouds) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apam Ayatanam veda (that one knows/understands the photons to be the source/abode) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source itself).


Our Universe was filled with photons in the Photon epoch. Gas clouds originated in those photons.
Gas-clouds also originate the photons. One that can make use of this becomes the source of others.

Science also exactly says so.


 a`sau vai tapa̍nna`pāmā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
yo̍'muṣya` tapa̍ta ā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
āpo` vā a`muṣya` tapa̍ta ā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍ | 
yo̍'pāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati || 4|| 

Asau (that) tapanna (the heat) apAma Ayatanam (That heat resides in photons or originates from photons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

Yah amusya tapata Ayatanam Veda (that knows/understands/uses the heat of that) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

apo va  amusya tapata Ayatanam (The photons originate the heat or photons is the source/abode of heat) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apam Ayatanam veda (that one knows/understands the photons to be the source/abode) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source itself).


Heat energy originates from photons. Photons originate from the Heat.  Light resides in Heat. Heat resides in Light.

Science also exactly says so.


 ca`ndramā` vā a`pāmā`yata̍nam | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
yaśca`ndrama̍sa ā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
āpo` vai ca`ndrama̍sa ā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍ | 
yo̍'pāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati || 5|| 

candrama va apAma Ayatanam (Electrons reside in the photons, originate from photons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

yah candramasa Ayatanam Veda (That knows/receives/understands the abode of electrons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

Apo vai candramasa Ayatanam (Photons are the source of electrons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apam Ayatanam veda (that one knows/understands the photons to be the source/abode) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source itself).


Photons originate electrons. Electrons originate photons. One that makes use of this conversion becomes the source of everything.

Science also exactly says so.


 nakṣa̍trāṇi` vā a`pāmā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
yo nakṣa̍trāṇāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍|
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
āpo` vai nakṣa̍trāṇāmā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍ | 
yo̍'pāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda ̍| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati || 6|| 

naksatrani va apAma Ayatanam (Galaxies reside in the photons, originate from photons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

yah nakstaranam Ayatanam Veda (that knows/understands the abode/origination of galaxies) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

apo vai nakstarnAma Ayatanam (Photons reside in the galaxies, originate from galaxies) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode)

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apam Ayatanam veda (that one knows/understands the photons to be the source/abode) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source itself).


Galaxies originate from photons. Photons originate from Galaxies. One that makes use of this/understands this conversion becomes the source of everything.


pa`rjanyo` vā a`pāmā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
yaḥ pa`rjanya̍syā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati |
āpo` vai pa`rjanya̍syā`''yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍ | 
yo̍'pāmā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati || 7|| 

parjanya va apAma Ayatanam (Rain Clouds reside in photons, originate in photons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode).

yah parjanyasya Ayatanam Veda (that knows/understands the abode/origination of rain clouds) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode).

apo vai parjanyasya Ayatanam (Photons reside in rain clouds, originate in rain clouds) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode).

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apam Ayatanam veda (that one knows/understands the photons to be the source/abode) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source itself).


Rain-clouds reside in photons. Photons originate in rain clouds. That which understands it makes use of it becomes the source.

Science exactly says so.  But Parjanya does not mean normal rain-clouds here. It indicates gas-clouds that 'rain' elements, that undergo nuclear fusion.  These clouds originate from photons. These clouds originate photons.

Even if it means normal rain clouds, Rain clouds originate lightning. Light originates heat and heat originates water vapour and hence rain-clouds. 

 sa`ṁva`tsa`ro vā a`pāmā`yata̍nam| 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
yassa̍ṁvatsa`rasyā`yata̍na`ṁ veda̍ | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
āpo` vai sa̍ṁvatsa`rasyā`yata̍nam | 
ā`yata̍navān bhavati | 
ya e`vaṁ veda̍| 
yo"'psu nāva`ṁ prati̍ṣṭhitā`ṁ veda̍ | 
pratye`va ti̍ṣṭhati |

samvatsaro va apAma Ayatanam (Time originates/resides in the photons) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode).

yat samvatsarasya Ayatanam Veda (that knows/receives/understands the residence/abode of time) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode).

apo vai samvatsarasya Ayatanam (Photons originate/reside in the time) Ayatanavan Bhavati (becomes the source/abode).

Yah evam Veda (That knows/receives/understands this certainly) Yah apam Ayatanam veda (that one knows/understands the photons to be the source/abode) Ayatanavan bhavati (becomes the source itself).

Yah apsu nAvam pratisthitam veda (that knows/understands the ships/boats situated in the photonic ocean or those that know to sail in the photonic ocean) pratya eva tisthati (stands certainly firmly)


Time originates or resides in photons. Photons originate or reside  in time.  That understands/knows this becomes the source. Those that know to sail in the photonic ocean only stays/stands with conviction or stands firmly.

Detailed Summary of Mantra Pushpam

Electrons flower out of photons (or light).  That who receives/knows/understands the flowering of photons, that who knows photons to be the source,  that who receives the electrons from the photons, becomes the source of everything themselves.

Photons cause transfer of energy. Transfer of energy causes photons. Both are source/abode of each other. That understands/ uses this becomes the source of others.

Gas-clouds also originate the photons. One that can make use of this becomes the source of others.

Heat energy originates from photons. Photons originate from the Heat.  Light resides in Heat. Heat resides in Light.

Photons originate electrons. Electrons originate photons. One that makes use of this conversion becomes the source of everything.

Galaxies originate from photons. Photons originate from Galaxies. One that makes use of this/understands this conversion becomes the source of everything.

Rain-clouds reside in photons. Photons originate in rain clouds. That which understands it makes use of it becomes the source.

Time originates or resides in photons. Photons originate or reside  in time.  That understands/knows this becomes the source. Those that know to sail in the photonic ocean only stays/stands firm.

Concise summary of Mantra Pushpam

From photons come electrons. From electrons come photons. Photons cause transfer of energy. Transfer of Energy causes photons.  Photons cause Gas-Clouds. Gas-Clouds cause photons. Photons cause heat. Heat causes photons. Photons cause galaxies. Galaxies cause photons. Rain-clouds cause photons. Photons cause rain-clouds. Photons reside in time. Time originates/resides in photons.

Those who know these/understand these/make use of these become the source/abode of others in the Universal chain.

Thus those that know to sail in Photonic ocean only stand firmly in the Universe.

There is also one more way of looking at it. 

Photons originate electrons. Electron movements cause transfer of energy (Agni/fire). Transfer of energy creates Gas-clouds. Gravity of Gas-clouds cause heat.  Heat in gas-clouds causes Galaxies. From galaxies come clouds that rain elements (that undergo nuclear fusion).  From these elemental rains time progresses. Thus those know to sail in the photonic ocean or ocean of light only stand firmly in this Universe.

This is what science says.



  1. Dhanyavadaha. Very interesting. Parantu, 'Apa' ithyarthe bhavaan 'photon' iti vadati.
    'Apa' iti padasya Dhaatu paaTa kim bhavati? What is the rational to map Apa to photon.
    Praayaha bhavaan bhavataha anya blog madhye etat vivaranam kruthavaan eva. Kshamyataam, I have not yet read all the remaining blogs.

  2. Why are Apa Photons..?


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