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The Rsis of Vedas - Part 2


During the Cosmic inflation epoch, the dark energy scalar field expanded, creating 'space' with vacuum inside it. Visualize it as the dark energy expanding suddenly on all sides leaving out an empty space in-between.

As the dark energy scalar field expanded (1) on all sides during cosmic inflation epoch, leaving space or creating vacuum in between, this like a 'work done' on the field. Whenever there is a 'Work done', there is a potential energy created. The potential energy created is the 'inflation potential'..

The inflation potential (dakSa) interacting with force-fields (panchajani) creates the particles. The kinetic energy of the particles of Universe, brings Universe to existence is called 'Sati'.

These particles were propagating in the maximum speeds of light. Hence Universe is said to be filled with radiation at this point of time. When Universe is filled with radiation, dark energy scalar field does not expand. The 'havis' is not given to Shiva.

All energy flows into the force-fields, they get heated up and the particles become Quark Gluon Plasma. This is the dakSa Yajna and burning of Sati (matter particles) in the dakSa Yajna. This is called Re-heating.

I described the Sons of dakSa (haryazavas and savalazvas) and daughters of dakSa through prasUti (2). The haryazavas and savalazvas are energies of strong and electro-weak force-field caused by dakSa, inflation potential.

The daughters of dakSa through prasUti are those properties of force-fields brought out (pra-sUti) by dakSa.

'maruts' are 'quanta' of energy in different force-fields.There are 49 puStis (Fermions) and 14 Tustis (Bosons) making it totally 63 maruts (3).

All the Universe is originated by Rsis.  Rsi is said to be derived from drSi which means to see. Rsi is interpreted as one who ā€˜seesā€™ or ā€˜observesā€™. Actually Rsi means one who makes it ā€˜visibleā€™. Rishi makes it ā€˜visibleā€™ to others. More than ā€˜See-ersā€™ themselves, Rishis are those who make it ā€˜visibleā€™ to others (4).

What makes something visible..? It is the breaking of Symmetry. In a human society, those who break the existing symmetries, make new things visible, evolve the society in a new direction are called the Rsi (4).

Various Rsis or symmetry breaking events originate everything in the Universe. Marici is the Higgs field acquiring Vacuum Expectation Value. Kashyapa is the Electroweak symmetry breaking event. Bhrgu is quantum tunneling. Angiras is the appearance of massless quark condensates due to gluons. Kavi is the formation of neutral atoms (4).

Now let's discuss about Pulastya and scions of Rsi Pulastya.

RSi pulastya - Excitation of bosons made of composite fermions

Rsi Angiras is the excitation of massless quark condensates that eventually break the Chiral Symmetry leading to 'hadronization'. Hence Rsi angiras is said to be similar to formation of 'Charcoal'.

Pulastya means 'horripilation' or temporary excitation of particles.. Pulastya  are temporary excitation of composite particles, which are made of  Quarks.  The Quarks are fermions as they have have 'half-integer' spin. But the composite particles are 'bosons' as they have either zero or integer spin. Spin is some amount of intrinsic angular momentum of a 'particle' nature.

Hence Rsi Pulastya is the excitation of 'bosons' from composite fermions.

RSi pulastya produces 2 sons. They are 'agastya' and Vizravas.

Rsi Vizravas  - Scattering of 'Real' composite bosons

Vizravas means streams forth, which are scattering of composite particles in collisions of other particles. For eg., due to temporary excitation (pulastya or horripilation), mesons are streamed forth in collision of particles. These are 'real' excitations that can be detected.

Vizravas also means 'heard'. Since these mesons are scattered during collisions, they are said to be 'heard', as they move out in space and are detected (like sound).

Vizravas is said to marry 'ilavila' (Calmly expressed) and 'kekesi' (Crying). 

Calm (Scalar) and Crying (Vector) bosons made of fermions

The 'real' bosonic particles made of composite fermions can be divided into Scalar bosons and Vector bosons.

'Kekesi' is the 'property of Crying'. These are mesons that 'cry' or have some intrinsic angular momentum. These are Spin 1 particles. For eg., these are the Vector/Pseudo-vector mesons (5).

'ilavila'  is the property of expression' or 'being calm'. These are mesons that are simply expressed without any 'crying'. They do not have any intrinsic angular momentum. These are Spin 0 particles. For eg. these are the Scalar/pseudo-scalar mesons (6).

The Spin 1 particles, for eg, the vector/pseudovector mesons, are the sons of 'Kekesi'. They are asuras and pisacas.

The Spin 0 particles, for eg., the scalar/pseudoscalar mesons, are the sons of  'ilavila'. They are gandharvas and yakSas.

Charged Scalar/Pseudo-scalar mesons - Gandharvas

The Composite Scalar and Pseudo-scalar mesons are particles with zero intrinsic angular momentum (Spin 0). These are made of several quarks which are half-integer spin particles, but as composite particle have zero spin.

These quarks are also electrically charged, but have fractional electric charge. When two  quarks having fractional electric charge combine, as in mesons, their net charge is either zero or positive/negative.  When the net charge is 'positive/negative' they are the Gandharvas.

Gandharvas are electrically charged Scalar/Pseudo-scalar mesons. These gandharvas are always associated with apsaras, which are the electromagnetic radiation produced by particles.

Charged Scalars often decay to electrons, neutrinos etc or they become excited and become vector bosons. This is how gandharvas are cursed often to become asuras and rAksas. Asuras are electrons, neutrinos etc. rAksas are vector bosons.

'Gandharva' Marriage - Union of opposite charges

'Gandharva' (or YakSa) marriage is like an union of two oppositely charged quarks, just out of attraction of each other, without involving any other 'large-scale' binding energies (as in say atomic nucleus or atoms).

Neutral Scalar/Pseudo-scalar mesons - yakSas

The Composite Scalar and Pseudo-scalar mesons are particles with zero intrinsic angular momentum (Spin 0). These are made of several quarks which are half-integer spin particles, but as composite particle have zero spin.

These quarks are also electrically charged, but have fractional electric charge. When two  quarks having fractional electric charge combine, as in mesons, their net charge is either zero or positive/negative.  When the net charge is 'zero' they are the YakSas.

YakSas are neutral scalar particles. They have zero spin but are electrically neutral and do not take part in electromagnetic interaction. 

YakSas remain 'not attracted', wander here and there and decay to photons or light.  Because of this nature they are often compared to 'ghosts'.

Charged Vector/Pseudo-vector mesons - RakSas

The Composite Vector and Pseudo-vector mesons are particles with integer intrinsic angular momentum (Spin 1). These are made of several quarks which are half-integer spin particles, but as composite particle have Spin 1.

These quarks are also electrically charged, but have fractional electric charge. When two  quarks having fractional electric charge combine, as in mesons, their net charge is either zero or positive/negative.  When the net charge is 'positive or negative' they are the RakSas.

Raksas are electrically charged Vector/Pseudo-vector mesons. These Raksas mediate force on other particles due to their integer spin nature. Hence they are depicted as 'powerful' and also 'evil'.

Charged vectors are at times, excited version of scalar mesons. So they decay to scalar mesons again. This is depicted as RakSas becoming Gandharvas due to liberation of their curse.

Neutral Vector/Pseudo-vector mesons - Pisacas

The Composite Vector and Pseudo-vector mesons are particles with integer intrinsic angular momentum (Spin 1). These are made of several quarks which are half-integer spin particles, but as composite particle have Spin 1.

These quarks are also electrically charged, but have fractional electric charge. When two  quarks having fractional electric charge combine, as in mesons, their net charge is either zero or positive/negative.  When the net charge is 'neutral' they are the Pisacas.

Pisacas are electrically neutral Vector/Pseudo-vector mesons. These Pisacas do not attract any other particles, wander alone and decay to photons. Hence they are depicted as 'ghosts'.

Pisacas and YakSas are clubbed together often as 'ghosts' as they wander alone and decay to photons. Pisacas are neutral, but vector with Spin 1, while YakSas are neutral, but scalars with spin 0.

Since Pisacas, because of their Spin 1, mediate forces on other particles they are called 'powerful' or 'evil'. YakSas do not mediate force on other particles and are depicted as 'good'.

Rsi Agastya - 'Potting' of 'Virtual' composite bosons

'aga' means that does not move. 'agastya' is the result of 'horripilation' (temporary excitation or Rsi pulastya), but that does not 'move'. In comparison with Vizravas which is streamed or let out, agastya does not move. It is excited but remains 'potted' and not let-out.

Agastya are the 'exchange' of 'virtual' mesons that mediate forces like residual nuclear interaction. For eg, excitation of 'virtual' pions in atomic nucleus mediate the residual nuclear interaction, binding protons and neutrons (7). Hence agastya is described as born inside a 'pot'. Agastya is born in the pot of atomic nucleus.

Universe's North (Radiation dominated) and South (Matter dominated)

The 'North' of the Universe is 'energy' or 'Shiva'. It is radiation dominated. The 'South' of the Universe is that comes after  'Higgs field' acquiring vacuum expectation value or after mass manifesting through Higgs field. It is matter dominated.

Agastya is said to have moved 'South' to balance the Universe.  The virtual exchange of mesons mediating residual nuclear interaction build up the atomic nucleus and all the massive matter as we know in the Universe. Hence it plays a key role in shifting the domination of Universe from being radiation dominated to matter dominated. Hence Agastya is said to have moved South.

Like the Vindhya range that arises in the collision of land masses, exchange of virtual mesons bind the protons and neutrons into atomic nucleus.

Apsaras - Excitation caused by electromagnetic energy/radiation

'ap-saras'  is translated as 'going in the waters' or 'between the waters of the clouds'. Ap-saras are the 'excitation' caused by electromagnetic energy/radiation. 

'Apa' is electromagnetic interaction (8). 'Saras' is something that flows. Apsaras are excitations caused by absorption of energy from electromagnetic radiation. It is different from the electromagnetic field produced between charged particles.

Uru-asi, Rambha, Menaka, Tilotamma etc are all electromagnetic excitation produced at different instances by different particles.

Menaka is used to denote the Electromagnetic radiation/energy that separated during Electro-weak symmetry breaking. Hence Menaka is said to be born during Samudra Manthan or said to be the daughter of Kashyapa and Muni. Kashyapa is the Electroweak symmetry breaking Rsi (X) and Muni is the property of 'impulse' in the Electroweak symmetry breaking process.

Urvazi means 'widely/largely extending'. Urvazi is produced by nara-nAryaNa. nara nArAyana are particles with mass (naryana) and charge (nara) (4). Uru-azi are excitation produced due to electromagnetic energy absorption by quark particles with mass and charge.  Angirasa (formation of quark condensates due to gluons) is said to be 'Uru'.

Rambha is the Electromagnetic excitation of electrons (or muons, tau).

Tilotamma is the excitation caused by Cosmic Microwave Background radiation that exists throughout the 'Spacetime'. Hence tilotamma is said to be daughter of Brahma or Visvakarma, the expanded spacetime.

Ap-saras are said to be dancers, because they are excitations of energy in electromagnetic field. They are said to be associated with Gandharvas and RakSas, which are charged mesons, Indra which is the energy making the proton, visvamitra, which is the production of electrons/photons from QED vacuum.

Charged and Neutral Spinor particles - Preta and Bhuta

The spinor particles are particles with some intrinsic angular momentum (half integer spin).  For eg. Quarks and electrons have half-integer spin. They are spinors.

Spinor particles are the Preta and Bhutas. Preta are charged spinor particles. Bhuta are neutral spinor particles. For eg., Atoms are 'Bhuta' as they are neutral and spinors. Ions are 'Preta' as they are charged and spinors.

Glueball - The composite boson - Vaizravana/Kubera

Vaizravana are all those that derived from Rsi Vizravas. Rsi vizravas are 'real' composite bosons. In that way, Gandharvas, YakSas, Raksas, Pisacas are all vaizravana.

There is one more composite boson that is purely made of 'gluons'. Gluons are mediator particles of Strong Interaction or Soma between the Quarks. But gluons also carry 'Color charge' and hence interact amongst themselves also. Hence Composite gluons form 'bosons' called 'glueball' (9).

This glueball, the composite bosons made only of gluons is the Kuvera. Kuvera is called Vaizravana, because it is a composite particle.

Kuvera is also called as 'Chief' of Gandharvas, YakSas, RakSas and Pisacas which are said to be present in Kuvera's court. That's because Glueballs are difficult to detect and always surrounded by Charged or neutral scalar, vector mesons.

Kubera means only who is 'deformed'. Glueballs are always deformed into other forms of matter. Kubera is the god of wealth because it is the glueballs that originate different quark based matter forms.

Kubera is said to be drunk of Soma, the strong interaction, because it is only made of gluons, the strong interaction mediating particles.

More to come

Rsi Agastya as Varuna-Mitra's son, Vasistha, Kashyapa's offsprings



