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Aditya Hrdayam Again - Part 60 - Maa and Maha Kali


In the past few chapters, we went through

1. Force-fields (Scalar Higgs/Vishnu, Vector/Chakra, Spinor/Conch)
2. Fundamental Particles (Panchajana/Five particle types, ChaturSana/Four right-handed particles)
3. Interactions (Soma/strong, Madhu/Weak, Apa/Electromagnetic)
4. Charges ( Vaishravana/Color, kAla/Weak, Yama/Electric).
5. Composite Particles (Sura/Nucleons, Asura/Non-nucleons, Rakshasa/Vector and Pseudo-scalar mesons and Yaksa/Scalar and Pseudo-vector mesons)
6. Concepts of Chirality, Helicity etc

Energy (Shiva) and Momentum (Shakti)

In the quantum world, energy is an abstract term. Energy is characterized by Momentum. Energy and Momentum can never be separated. They are the Ardha-Nareeswara. This definition of Energy and Momentum leads to the Linga. More on it here.

But this is looking at energy in an abstract way, trying to make sense of energy. This is how the concept of Ardha-Nareeswara, Linga et al evolved.

Then energy manifests in this Universe in two forms. A masculine form which does not undergo any change. A feminine form which changes, evolves and evolves the Universe.

Energy as 'male' and 'female'

First there is the 'Vacuum energy', an energy that cannot be converted (or tapped) at all. The vacuum energy that we cannot tap or use is 'Shiva'. 

'Shiva is the 'masculine' form of energy. Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe. The energy that does not undergo any change due to evolution of matter is the 'masculine' form of energy called 'Shiva'.

Then there is energy which is 'seen' as property of matter that can be converted to heat, work, or radiation.  When the vacuum energy raises above a threshold, it manifests in different force-fields, forms particles, binds and evolves particles, or breaks and decays particles.  This is the 'feminine' form of energy that undergoes change driving the evolution of matter. 

There are two types of feminine form of energy. They are Potential and Kinetic. The energy from which matter particles can derive their future evolution is the potential energy. Kinetic energy is the energy in the current movement of particles. 

The potential energy is the pArvati, Uma etc. The Kinetic energy is the 'Ganga' that is flowing.

This is how the concept of Shiva-Parvati-Ganga evolved.

Creative and Destructive Energy

The potential energy of particles can be classified further into two. They are
1. Creative energy or Energy that binds and evolves particles.
2. Destructive energy or Energy that breaks and decays particles.

The Creative energy is the 'aditi', Hence called the Mother. 'aditi' means that does 'not cut' or 'not divides' or 'not breaks'. aditi is rather the energy that binds or creates or evolves the matter into more complex forms.

The Destructive Energy is the 'diti'. 'diti' means that cuts, divides, decays etc. Any destructive energy that affects the particles is Diti. 

This is how the concept of Parvati (Creative) -kAli (destructive) evolved.

Aditi - Creative Energy that binds and evolves particles

The energy that binds and evolves matter particles are the various 'binding energies' as described in standard model. They typically manifest in 
  1. Strong force-field
  2. Electromagnetic force-field
  3. Higgs force-field and 
  4. Dirac-field.
These binding energies are the Aditya, as they are said to be descendants of  Creative energy, the aditi.

The energy that 'Matter' particle manifestations draw and evolve from the energy that surrounds them in different force-fields is like the energy that biological beings draw in the womb of their mother. Hence Aditi is the 'Mother' of entire Universe.

In these energy particles dock and evolve (as they do in mother's womb). Thus binding energy is the landing area for particles to combine.  Hence such energy is called Uma. 'Uma' means landing area or a docking place for ships. Hence Uma is the 'Mother.

These energy types are the 'knots', 'joints' and 'bindings' between different particles in complex matter forms. Parvan means 'Knot' or a 'Joint'. Parvata are those that are 'knotted' or 'jointed' (like the hill ranges).  Hence such binding energy types are called  pArvati.

This pArvati, Uma, aditi of matter creates newer forms of matter and the entire Universe. Hence they are the jagad-Amba, jagat-mAta etc. Since this energy that propels matter evolution is the 'cause' of every matter form in Universe, this energy is called the bhavAni.

Aditya are twelve descendants of this Aditi which play a specific role in the evolution of Universal matter. They are the twelve different energies (binding energy) as described in the Standard Model.

Diti - Destructive Energy that breaks matter particles

'Diti' are the 'destructive' energy that breaks matter particles. 'Diti' means 'cut' or 'divided'. Daitya are descendants of Diti.

kAla is the weak charge that particles possess, that makes them subjected to weak decay. kAli is the weak force-field energy that these particles (having weak charge) experience.

The energy that manifest in weak force-fields is called 'Simhika'. The Simhika manifests across three fields of W+ (that acts on positively charged particles), W- (that acts on negatively charged particles) and Z (that acts on neutral particles).

The energy of Weak force-field (Simhika) is 'mediated' on to particles that have weak charge (kAla) by a class of particles called 'Intermediate Vector Bosons'. These intermediate vector bosons try to destroy the particles. Hence they are said to be the descendants of 'Diti' and called the 'Daityas'.

Daityas are the mediators which mediate the energy of weak force field on different particles. They are the energy mediated by different 'Intermediate Weak Bosons'.

Vishnu - Mass is 'Energy density'

Higgs field impedes the motion of particles, concentrates them and thereby create a region of energy density in spacetime. This is what leads to perception of 'mass'.  This is the Vishnu.

Particles (particularly the pancha-Jana, the five races of quarks and leptons) which are impeded by Higgs field 'interact' with Higgs field. This interaction is characterized as a 'coupling' in the Standard Model. This coupling is called 'Yukawa coupling'.

These particles (the pancha-jana) also have weak charge (kAla) and experience weak force field interaction as mediated by the Intermediate Weak Vector Bosons (Daitya).

Vishnu and the Daityas

The weak field mediated onto particles (by the Daityas) and Higgs interaction experienced by a particle (Vishnu) are opposing forces. The weak force tries to reduce the Yukawa coupling of particle and the Yukawa coupling of particle can be visualized as winning over the weak force mediation (in a diminished form) to establish some coupling and a particle with some mass.

In fact, this fight between the weak and Higgs can said to be happening always. This is the fight between Vishnu and Daityas.

Only when Vishnu (Higgs field/mass) wins over the Daityas (Intermediate Vector Bosons), three generations of particles and ten different types of matter particles and the five races of particles (the pancha-Jana) are established in the Universe.

This is how the puranas of Jaya-Vijaya, their three births and ten avatars of Vishnu evolved.

Is kAli and Simhika really destructive..?

kAli is the weak-force field energy that particles experience. Simhika is the energy that manifests in weak force field. Both kAli and siMhika seem to be destructive forces.   But without weak force-field decaying, the following are not possible

1. The ten different particles of Quarks and Leptons which make the Universe
2. Flavor switching (Massive quarks and leptons becoming lighter and vice-versa)
3. Charge-Parity violation that leads to generation of matter over anti-matter
4. Slow decay of various particles and complex matter forms over time

Thus these forces are not really ultimately destructive. They play the role of being destructive to evolve the Universe further.

This is how the concept of destructive forces (in the tantras), but more playing the role of destroying the 'evil' (in puranas) evolved.

